The classical Panchakarma Therapy is comprehensive method of internal purification of the body by five special types of Ayurvedic treatment procedures, namely-Vamana, Virechana, Nasya, Vasti and Raktamoksha.
Vamana – This is the purification through alimentary system by Induced vomiting.
Virechana – This is the purification through alimentary system by Induced purgation.
Nasya – This is the purification through Head by nasal medication.
Vasti – This is the purification through alimentary system Administrating medicated enema.
Raktamoksha – This is the purification through circulatory system and Blood by selective bloodletting.
It is postulated that vitiated Doshas and Malas of the body will obstruct minute channels in the body called Srotas, which may lead to the accumulation of toxic waste products in the body and ultimately causing various diseases.
Hence these Doshas and Malas need to be eliminated before a Shamana Chikitsa is given. Shamana Chikitsa is provided in the form of drugs, diets and regimens. This treatment will not be effective unless the body channels are cleansed and morbid Doshas and Malas are eliminated.
Another specialty of Panchakarma therapy is that it can be administrated with minor changes for Rejuvenate purpose in a healthy person. The health and functional efficiency of internal organs and different systems of the body will be improved quite considerably.
Preparatory Process of Panchakarma.
Before the administration of Panchakarma, the body is toned with two important procedures. They are called as Poorvakarma or Preparatory procedures and they are as follows:
1.Sneha Karma (Olation Therapy)
The process of administration of unctuous substances in to the body is known as Sneha Karma or Olation Therapy. This is done in two ways:
1.Internal administration of unctuous substances.
2.External anointing of body with unctuous substances
The former is called Sneha pana (Internal Olation) and the latter is Abhyanga (External Olation).
Both these procedures produce unctuousness of the body.
Olation Therapy is an important Poorva karma (Pre-operative procedure) of Pnachakarma. The administration of unctuous substances is an important line of treatment for Vata disorders.
Olation and Sudation therapies must be done till the patient gets the signs and symptoms of proper Olation and Sudation. Only then any of the purification therapies should be adopted. Without the administration of olation therapy, the patient’s body will be subjected to lots of discomforts and will be harmful for the body just like how a dry stick will break on bending by force.
If the stick is put in oil for a long time then it can be bent to any shape without breaking it.
Benefits of Olation Therapy.
I. Keen digestive power
II. Clean alimentary tract.
III. Well-developed muscles and tissues.
IV. Physical strength
V. Improved complexion.
VI. Powerful sense faculties.
VII. Slowing down of ageing process.
VIII. Lives for a hundred years in good health
2.Sweda Karma (Sudation Therapy)
Sweda Karma or Swedana is defined as a process by which Sweda (sweat or perspiration) is induced or produced in the body. Sweda is the internal excreta of the body and it is the Mala (waste product) of the Medo Dhatu (Fat tissue).
Benefits of Sudation Therapy
The aggravated Doshas, which have been lubricated by Sneha Karma (Oleation therapy), residing either in the alimentary tract, tissues or blocking in the channels of the extremities, bones etc are liquefied by Sweda Karma (Sudation therapy) and brought into the alimentary canal to be eliminated out of the body completely by appropriate purification therapies like Vamana (emesis), Virechana (purgation), Vasti (enema therapy) and Nasya (nasal medication).
The stiffness, heaviness and coldness of the body will be reduced, Sweda or sweat will be produced which is the excreta of Medo Dhatu. It will bring Vata to equilibrium and there by it helps to facilitate the elimination of urine and semen and sustains all the organs of the body. Due to Oleation and Sudation therapies the body will becomes soft. It also helps in the flexibility of the body. Digestive fire will be enhanced
The Panchakarma Therapy is done when Doshas are aggravated in the body. The aggravated Doshas will enter the place of other Doshas and will get solidify there.
So in order to liquefy them, Sneha Karma (Oleation Therapy) and Sweda Karma (Sudation Therapy) have to be done. After Sneha Karma (Oleation) the person can undergo Sweda Karma.
Sweda Karma (Sudation), which will open the blocked channels or Srotas and bring the Doshas to their original positions. So the vitiated Doshas can be completely eliminated from the body with the help of any of the Panchakarma only when the Doshas have returned to their original positions.
So for getting a complete cure for a disease we need to do Panchakarma Treatments and before administering any of the Panchakarma we need to do Preparatory processes or Sneha Karma and Sweda Karma.
VAMANA KARMA (Emesis Therapy)
Vamana Karma is a process by which the contents of the stomach including Kapha and Pitha will be thrown out of the body through the mouth. It purifies the upper part of the body and is the appropriate Panchakarma for expelling the excess Kapha Dosha. The main place of Kapha is stomach and the removal of Kapha dosha from there is best done by Vamana Karma.
The purification of the body (Samshodhana) is done in two ways. One is Vamana (emesis) and the other is called Virechana (purgation)
Vamana removes the doshas from the upper part o f the body whereas Virechana removes the doshas from the lower part of the body.
According to the Doshas, the purification therapy for Vata disorder is Vasty (Enema therapy), Pitha disorder is virechana (Purgation therapy) and Kapha disorders is Vamana (Emesis therapy).
Benefits of Emesis.
The Doshas which are liquefied by Sneha Karma (oleation therapy) is brought to the alimentary canal by Sweda Karma (sudation therapy) and are expelled by purification therapies (Emesis or Purgation) just like dirt from the cloth by washing.
The body of a person who resorts to purification therapies without undergoing Oleation and Sudation therapies habitually gets broken just like a log of dry wood which is being bent.
Clarity of mind, strength of sense organs, stability of the tissues, strong digestive power and slow ageing process all occur from Vamana Karma, which are done properly. It cures various diseases like psoriasis, indigestion, bleeding diseases of downward trend and various other Kapha diseases.
VIRECHANA KARMA (Purgation Therapy).
Virechana is process by which the doshas are eliminated from the body through the rectum. Purgation therapy is a purification therapy mainly for pitha disorders or diseases of combination of Pitha dosha with other doshas.
Vasty (Enema Therapy) is also administered through the rectum. But, this therapy removes only the doshas that are present in the intestine, but in Virechana Karma doshas even from the stomach are taken to the large gut and they are removed through rectum. This is the difference between purgation and Enema therapy.
Enema therapy brings out the doshas, which are not processed where as purgation, eliminates doshas after processing. This is the difference between Enema therapy and purgation therapy.
Benefits of Purgation
Doshas gets liquefied through Oleation and are brought to the alimentary tract with the help of sudation and are expelled out by emesis, which purifies the upper part of the body, and purgation, which purifies the lower part of the body. Clarity of mind, strength of sense organs, stability of tissues, strong digestive power and slow ageing are the results of proper Virechana.
VASTI KARMA (Enema Therapy)
In this treatment, the contents of either unctuous drugs or decoction of eliminatory drugs are introduced into the rectum. The eliminatory drugs will cause purgation. Enema therapy is desirable for increase of doshas having the predominance of Vata or for the increase of Vata Dosha alone. The treatment has got this name, because in ancient time the urinary bladder of some animals were used to hold the medicines before injecting into the rectum.
Types of Vasti.
I. According to the medicine used for Vasti (Enema Therapy), Vasti is of
two types.
1) Kashaya Vasti-decoction is used for this type of enema.
2) Sneha Vasti- oil is used for this type of enema,
II. According to the place of administration.
1) Enema given through anus into the rectum.
2) Enema given through urinary orifice or through the vagina in to the uterus.
Benefits of Enema Therapy
For all the disease which are located in the extremities, alimentary tract, vital organs all the organs above the shoulders, there is no other cause more important than Vata, Vata is responsible for transportation and obstruction of the increased feces, Kapha, Pitha and other wastes. To decrease the vitiated Vata there is no treatment more efficient than enema therapy. Hence it is described as half of the treatment of all diseases. While some others say that it is the full treatment- Vasty removes the doshas present in the intestine.
NASYA (Errhine Therapy)
Nasya is a method by which either the medicated oil or powder is introduced in to the nose. It is mainly used in the diseases of the shoulders neck and head. It is also called as “Shiro virechana”.
Because it eliminates the vitiated doshas present in the head.
Benefits of Nasya
The skin of shoulder, neck, face and chest become thick, well developed and bright. Body parts and sense organs become strong and persons who undergo Nasya daily will obtain disappearance of gray hairs.
Diseases of eyes, ears and nose, hair fall etc will be reduced. Health of hair and its glow is increased. Nasya therapy will give strength to veins, arteries, nerves, joints, ligaments and tendons of the head. The face of the individual will be cheerful and plumpy and his voice becomes sweet, clear and stabilized. All his senses will become clear. It produces great result in paralysis, cervical spondylosis, sinusitis and migraine.
Bloodletting is one of the Panchakarma therapies, which is rarely done now days. All other Panchakarmas are used to eliminate the vitiated doshas from the body though different channels like mouth, nose, anus etc. But Raktha Moksha lets out the impure blood from the body. So for finding out which blood is impure we should know the properties of pure blood.
Properties of pure Blood.
It will have a specific smell, fluidity, and red color similar to Centipede; light and clots immediately when exposed to air.
Signs and symptoms of impure blood.
When blood is vitiated by vata dosha, it becomes reddish, non-slimy, foamy and thin.
When blood is vitiated by Pitha Dosha, the blood will be yellow and black in color and it takes longer time to coagulate, due to the inherent property of heat.
When Kapha vitiates blood, it will be slightly pale colored, slimy, thick and normally blood clots within 3-5 minutes.
Persons suitable for Raktha Moksha.
People suffering from various skin diseases like skin eruptions, pruritis (Itching), psoriasis, abscess, arthritis, conjunctivitis and piles, discolorations etc are suitable for blood letting.
Persons unsuitable for Raktha Moksha.
Those who are having swelling whole over the body, whose body is too weak due to the disease, who is suffering from anemia, hemorrhoids, ascites, due to excessive use of acidic drugs or diets and pregnant woman should not undergo blood letting therapy.
Benefits of blood letting.
I. Excellence of color and complexion.
II. Sharpness of functions of sense organs.
III. Sharp digestive power.
IV. Strength will be increased.