Ayurvedic Treatments

1. Abhyangam (Oil Massage)

This is a type of massage which is done by using Medicated Oil all over body


This therapy can be given to both healthy persons and patients. In healthy patients, it helps in the rejuvenation of the body and for promoting good health.

  • Increase complexion of skin
  • Vata Disorders like paralysis, Low back ache Arthritis
  • Increase the Blood circulation
  • Increase digestive Power
  • Relief Body Pain and muscle spasm

1. ELAKIZHI (Bolus bag Massages with medicinal leaves )

There are different types of bolus bag massages. The bolous bag massage with medicinal leaves is called Elakizhi, the one with medicated rice is called Navara Kizhi, and the one with medicated powder is called Podikizhi.This is one of the classical traditional massages of Ayurveda. Here the patient will be anointed with suitable oil and will be massaged with the help of the bolus bag on the affected part of the body or the whole body. Various medicinal leaves like Tamarind, Calotropis gigantia, Ricinus communis, Drum stick, Vietx negundo, Adatoda vascica, Datura stramonium, etc are used.


This type of massage is very good for relieving the body pain, numbness, shivering and cures diseases like arthritis, paralysis, convulsion, rheumatoid arthritis, etc. This type of massage is very good for improving muscle strength and complexion of the skin. This treatment can be done for both healthy person as well as the diseased. In the case of healthy persons, it is done for the purpose of rejuvenation.

2. NAVARAKIZHI ( Bolus bag Massages with medicinal rice)

This is one of the most popular therapies used for the purpose of body rejuvenation. Navara rice (one variety of medicated rice) with cow’s milk and Bala decoction (decoction of the root of the plant Sida cord folia) are the ingredients for this preparartion.


This therapy endows several benefits to a healthy person and also to a patient.  This improves the blood supply and cures diseases caused by the aggravation of Vata Dosha.   Once the channels of circulation are cleansed of obstructions, the blood circulation becomes better and it removes the waste products from the body. It improves the complexion of the skin, gives softnes to the body promotes digestion and restores vigor.  It also prevents excess sleep but endows the patient with sound sleep during night.  This therapy is very effective in curing diseases of the nervous system, chronic rheumatism, osteoarthritis, gout, emaciation of muscles in the limbs, numbness and diseases caused by the vitiation of blood, it makes the body strong and study with well-developed musculature, and it nourishes the body with health and increases body’s immunity power.  It promotes sharpness of vision and function of other sense organs.  It is very effective for persons having insomnia, high blood pressure, diabetes and skin diseases.  It slows down the process of ageing premature graying of hair, baldness, and appearance of wrinkles over the body and other ailments caused by the process of ageing. This therapy can be given to persons of all ages.

3.PODI KIZHI (Bolus bag Massages with medicinal powder)

Here powders made from the roots various herbs are used for the massage.


This type of massage is mainly done in diseases of Vata and Kapha doshas. It is also good for arthritis, paralysis, body pain, numbness, and degenerative diseases and neuro-muscular diseases.

4.UDWATHANA (Massage with medicinal powder)

The same medicated powder used for Podi Kizhi is used for this type of massage also. This massage can be done in two ways. In the first method the medicated powder is made into paste and applied over the body. When the water content is evaporated and becomes dry it is rubbed all over the body.

In the second method the powder is first fried for a few minutes in a pan to remove any moisture that may present in it. After that the powder is used to rub all over the body.


It helps in the melting of excess kapha and fat and so it is very useful for fatty persons to get rid of other extra fat. This therapy promotes skin health and complexion and also reduces wrinkles duo to old age. It cures dryness of skin, itching, diseases caused by accumulation of waste products in side the body due to the improper functioning of sweat glands, anorexia, excessive sweating, various skin diseases, discoloration of skin and removes foul smell from the body. It alleviates aggravated Vata and produces stability of the limbs. It opens up the minute orifices of the skin, so that the functioning of the skin in excretion of waste products becomes easier as a result of which, the skin remains healthy. It also cures heaviness and drowsiness and produce stability and lightness in the body.


Steam bath is also one type of swedana. Here before being exposed to steam, the body of the individual is anointed with medicated oils. Then medicinal leaves are cut into pieces and boiled with water. The steam thus produced is directed to a wooden box in which the patient is sitting. After 10-15 minutes, duration, sweat will be seen on the forehead and face and feeling of lightness for the body will be felt. This is one of the symptoms of proper sudation. So the fomentation should be stopped at this point.


Steam bath soothes strained nerves and tied muscles, gives good complexion of the skin and purifies the body.  The incompatible stagnant waste products of the body get liquefied and go out of the body with sweat.  This provides the body a clean and healthy feeling, which prevents illness, and therefore, even a healthy person should take steam bath from time to time.  It relieves stiffness of the body and helps in cases or arthritis, paralysis, and obesity.  However, steam bath is contra indicated in extremely weak persons and patients of heart diseases, psychosis, epilepsy and tuberculosis.


Pouring lukewarm medicated oil, over the body in a peculiar manner, for a certain time is called oil bath.


This therapy can be given to both healthy persons and patients. In the case of healthy per5sons, it helps in the rejuvenation of the body and helps in the preservation and promotion of positive health. In case of patients, it cures several diseases. This is perhaps the best therapy for the treatment of diseases caused buy the impairment of the normal functions of Vata (nervous system). It relieves body pain and muscle spasm, helps in healing fracture of bones. It increases the immunity of the body as well as persons lifespan. It increases the sexual power, digestive power, development of muscles, complexion of skin and also the general health of the body. It keeps all the doshas in equilibrium or far away from their pathological state.

Shirah Seka (Shirodhara)

Pouring of medicated oil, milk or medicated buttermilk on the forehead continuously for a specific period is called shirodhara.

When the Shiro dhara is done with medicated oil, it is called Thaila Dhara. When done with milk it is called Ksheera Dhara and when done with medicated buttermilk, it is called Takradhara.

7. TAILA DHARA (Pouring Medicated oil over the forehead )

Here medicated oil is poured over the forehead in a continuous flow for a specified time.

This is one of the excellent therapies for the treatment of several disease connected with head, neck, eyes, ears, nose, throat and diseases of nervous system like nerve disorders, facial palsy, paralysis and ptosis of the eye.

Its therapeutic utility for giving cure to patients suffering from long standing insomnia and psyzophrenia is well known.

It is also used along with other medicines for patients suffering from epileptic fits. It prevents falling, graying and cracking of hair, headache and burning sensation of the head. It is very nourishing and rejuvenating for the body. It stimulates the nerves giving sturdiness to the body, improves digestion, good for the sense organs, improves the voice, gives strength for neck and head improves skin texture a cooling effect ot the body and relieves pain. It maintains the equilibrium of the body and mind and increases the memory and retaining power. It nourishes the semen and blood giving more strength and love in conjugal union. The hotness of the body will be alleviated and it also helps to increase one’s lifespan.


Here medicated milk is poured over the forehead as a continuous flow for a prescribed time.


This therapy is very useful for person suffering from mental diseases, sleeplessness, burning sensation, giddiness, paralysis, chronic fever, delirium, mental stress and tension, it gives a cooling effect for both head and body and is very nourishing.


Thakra Dhara is defined as the pouring of medicated buttermilk over the forehead continuously for a particular period.

This type of Dhara is very cooling for the head and mind. It is used in psychosomatic diseases like psoriasis with very good results. It cures premature graying of hair, fatigue, instability in walking, headache, giddiness, aching pain, burning sensation in palms and flanks, urinary disorders, indigestion, Weakness of joints, diseases of ear, nose, throat and eyes. It helps in the proper functioning of the joint. It is very useful in the case loss of body immunity. It promotes digestion and corrects anorexia, vomiting and lack of appetite. It also promotes eyesight and cures cataract in its early stages. It is an excellent cure for chronic insomnia. Some times the patient who had no sound sleep for years tends to go it to sound sleep on the massage table while having Thakra Dhara. If person is going to have thakra dhara and Thaila dhara, first Thaila dhara is performed for a week and after that only Thakra dhara is performed.

10. SHIROVASTTI (Olation of head)

This is a special type of treatment in which medicated oil is kept over the head with the help of a tubular leather cap for a specified time.


This treatment is very useful in curing facial paralysis, numbness of the body diseases, of eyes, nose, ears and mouth. It cures headache, migraine, sinusitis, mental stress and strain, dryness of nose and mouth, cataract and other diseases of head. It improves complexion, memory power and promotes sound sleep.


This is a special treatment in which warm medicated oil is kept over the lower end of the vertebral region for certain time.  This treatment is very effective in treating low-back pain, sciatica, slipped disc, neurological diseases of lower limb, etc.


It is very good for relieving back pain.  It stimulates the nerves relieving pain and numbness.  It is a good treatment for relief of pain in sciatica and Inter Vertebral Disc Prolepses (I V D P).


In this treatment warm medicated oil suitable for the disease is kept over the chest for a certain time.

This therapy is very useful in chest pain, burning sensation of cheat, hiccup, asthma, difficulty in respiration due to trauma and breathlessness.
In the case of JANU vasti medicated oil is kept over the knee joint for a certain time.

It is very useful in painful conditions of knee joints, crepitus of knee joints, looseness and stiffness of joints, etc.


Keeping medicated oil over the cervical region for a certain time is called Greeva vasti.


It is very useful in stiffness of joints, cervical spondylosis, painful neck, paralysis of hand and numbness of the hand. It stimulates the nerves relieving pain and numbness.



Filling ears with medicated oil for a certain time is called Karna poorana.


By pouring oil into the ears, several diseases specific to this sense organ like earache, deafness, tinitis and several other diseases like headache, giddiness, vertigo, etc are cured. This also corrects diseases of teeth and gums. Ears and eyes are very closely related to the soles of the feet. Pouring oil into the ears produces coldness and removes burning sensation of feet.


The process of keeping unctuous substances (Medicated ghee or oil) in the eyes for a certain period of time is called Akshhi tarpanam.


This therapy can be done for both patients as well as healthy people. For the healthy person, it is very good for increasing the eyesight. It is used in cases of eye diseases like Ptosis, Night blindness, Cataract, Blurring of vision, stiffness and roughness of eyes, injury to eyes, eye diseases caused by aggravated Vata and Pitha dosha, Subconjunctival Hemorrhage, inflammatory lesions of the eye, Glaucoma, Corneal Ulcer, pain in the eye and decreased secretion of lacrimal fluid. It is also nourishing for the tired, dry, rough and injured eyes.

This is a process by which the individual is made to sit in tub filled with warm medicinal water to produce fomentation of the body.


Treats hernia, painful urination rheumatism and diseases caused due to deranged vata humor. Relieves stiffness of the body specially joints